Fiz and Tyrone can’t believe Hope’s audacity as her latest crime is exposed in Coronation Street
Hope Stape (Isabella Flanagan) has been treading on very thin ice of late in Coronation Street, as the teenager continues to rebel.
But she leaves her parents Fiz and Tyrone Dobbs (Jenny McAlpine and Alan Halsall) stunned as her latest crime comes to light next week.
Hope’s behaviour has been a headache for Fiz and Tyrone
The troubled high-schooler has recently become addicted to vapes, despite previously grassing Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) up for selling them at school last year.
Step-grandmother Cassie Plummer (Claire Sweeney) uncovered Hope’s habit, but was talked into keeping quiet and not telling her parents.
That turned out to be a poor decision on Cassie’s part, when Hope’s school also found out and called Fiz and Tyrone in the middle of Fiz’s birthday celebrations at the Bistro.
Their pleas for Hope to see the dangers of vaping were soon dismissed when she resorted to stealing to get her latest fix, shoplifting a bunch of vapes from the corner shop.
Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) threatened to call the police on her, but she managed to convince him not to by returning three of the four vapes over and swearing it wouldn’t happen again.
However, she openly admits her crime to her parents in forthcoming scenes, after Tyrone Hope’s pencil case and a vape falls out.
He and Fiz are then flabbergasted when a cocky Hope reveals she stole it from the corner shop – how will the couple cope with this latest parenting challenge?
The revelation comes at somewhat of a difficult time for the couple, who are still on rocky ground following the recent reappearance of his ex Alina Pop (Ruxandra Porojnicu), who was accompanied by his secret son Dorrin.
Fiz also has health fears next week when she experiences dizziness at work, and gets a massive shock when she goes to see a doctor…